Programs for DOS / Windows
Here are some of my first finished software
things for MS-Dos operating system. I was working on them
when I was about 16 years old. All in this
category is freely available to download and I especially
recommend you games.
Also interesting is my school creation
in Delphi and C++ on the MS-Windows platform. I
was primary motivated by my school FMFI UK
in the first level of study.
Platon.SK & Open Source
I'm actively participating
on the Open Source software projects development
in the Platon Group
framework. We founded it with some of my schoolmates
from faculty. We mainly aim at software development
for UNIX based platforms and likewise at internet
applications creation with particular emphasization
on programming code, design and content separation. As a
part of our activities, the Platon.SK portal was
created. It covers all needed requirements for open
source software projects development.
With help of this portal I develop
almost all of my open source software projects. However it does
not serve only to me, there are also another projects
from various authors hosted. For complete imagination
just look into our CVS repository, which is freely
available and you can browse it also on this page.
I'm part of several another internet
communities, which members mutualy cooperate
on the open source software development.
I participate on development of PEAR modules, phpWeather application
and Mantis BT bug
tracking system.
A particular project where I cooperate is
Atlantis Talker.
It was estabilished in the year 1997
and fastly become the most popular talker
in the Slovakia. I was an administrator
there and I supported this talker with various
external activities. Very famous was my Dependenter tables.
After problems and conflicts in the 2002 talker
was split into two parts and its source codes was released
as an open source software.
Than Atlantis Talker officially stops its activity.
In one from created copies Talker.SK there was some
errors fixed and talker runs further with some modifications. But
I do not have an access to the user database,
thus tables and statistics are no longer recent...